Job completed for Knight

Completion date: December 28, 2022

Location: Baton Rouge, LA

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer had water damage and mold from dishwasher leaking. Needs us to come dry out and tear out some sheetrock. The dishwasher had been leaking for a couple days before they noticed so there is mold present. Will need mold remediation as well. Water Damage- Baton Rouge, LA

Solutions provided:

United Fire and Water found the source of leak. We performed demo and set drying equipment. He tore out all the moldy sheetrock and treated the wood. Had it tested and everything passed. We relplaced the sheetrock and painted brought it back to pre-loss condition. Water damage- Mold remediation- Baton Rouge, LA

Photos & Videos:

Wet Walls- Kitchen- Baton Rouge, LA
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Wet Walls- Kitchen- Baton Rouge, LA
Water Damage- Baton Rouge, LA
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Water Damage- Baton Rouge, LA