Job completed for Fontana

Completion date: July 21, 2022

Location: Baton Rouge, LA

Why did the customer contact us?

Customer had a pipe that busted. She has water damage in several rooms and needs remediation to some mold that is starting to grow. Bathroom and kitchen will most likely need to be gutted. Baton Rouge- Water Damage

Solutions provided:

We will need to packout the kitchen into the the living room. Set containment. Mold is 7ft up the wall so all the cabinets will need to come out. Do the kitchen first and inspect the shower wall.. We Need a docusketch. We will also need to set containment in several rooms due to the pipe that busted and caused water damage. United Fire and Water performed demo and set drying equipment. We did a full gut in the kitchen and removed cabinets. Baton Rouge, LA residential home.

Photos & Videos:

Pipe Burst- Water Damage- Baton Rouge, LA
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Pipe Burst- Water Damage- Baton Rouge, LA
Wet Floors- Water Damage- Baton Rouge, LA
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Wet Floors- Water Damage- Baton Rouge, LA